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The Early Modern Englishwoman: A Facsimile Library of Essential Works & Printed Writings, 1500-1640: Series I, Part Two

About the Series

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs17 The\cf0 \cf1 Early\cf0 \cf1 Modern\cf0 \cf1 Englishwoman\cf0 : \cf1 A\cf0 \cf1 Facsimile\cf0 \cf1 Library\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 Essential\cf0 \cf1 Works\cf0 \cf1 is\cf0 \cf1 designed\cf0 \cf1 to\cf0 \cf1 make\cf0 \cf1 available\cf0 \cf1 a\cf0 \cf1 comprehensive\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 focused\cf0 \cf1 collection\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 writings\cf0 \cf1 from\cf0 \cf1 1500\cf0 \cf1 to\cf0 \cf1 1750\cf0 , \cf1 both\cf0 \cf1 by\cf0 \cf1 women\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 for\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 about\cf0 \cf1 them\cf0 . \cf1 The\cf0 \cf1 three\cf0 \cf1 series\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 Printed\cf0 \cf1 Writings\cf0 (\cf1 1500-1640\cf0 , \cf1 1641-1700\cf0 , \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 1701-1750\cf0 ) \cf1 provide\cf0 \cf1 a\cf0 \cf1 comprehensive\cf0 , \cf1 if\cf0 \cf1 not\cf0 \cf1 entirely\cf0 \cf1 complete\cf0 , \cf1 collection\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 separately\cf0 \cf1 published\cf0 \cf1 writings\cf0 \cf1 by\cf0 \cf1 women\cf0\f1 , \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 aim\cf0 \cf1 to\cf0 \cf1 support\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 advancement\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 feminist\cf0 \cf1 criticism\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 early\cf0 \cf1 modern\cf0 \cf1 period\cf0 .\cf1\f0 The\f2 \f0 volumes\cf0 \cf1 in\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 facsimile\cf0 \cf1 library\cf0 \cf1 reproduce\cf0 \cf1 carefully\cf0 \cf1 chosen\cf0 \cf1 copies\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 these\cf0 \cf1 texts\cf0 , \cf1 incorporating\cf0 \cf1 a\cf0 \cf1 short\cf0 \cf1 introduction\cf0 \cf1 providing\cf0 \cf1 an\cf0 \cf1 overview\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 life\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 work\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 a\cf0 \cf1 writer\cf0 \cf1 along\cf0 \cf1 with\cf0 \cf1 a\cf0 \cf1 survey\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 important\cf0 scholarship.\par \par The \cf1 Early\cf0 \cf1 Modern\cf0 \cf1 Englishwoman\cf0 \cf1 also\cf0 \cf1 includes\cf0 \cf1 separate\cf0 \cf1 facsimile\cf0 \cf1 series\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 Essential\cf0 \cf1 Works\cf0 \cf1 for\cf0 \cf1 the\cf0 \cf1 Study\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 Early\cf0 \cf1 Modern\cf0 \cf1 Women\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 Manuscript\cf0 \cf1 Writings\cf0 . \cf1 These\cf0 \cf1 facsimile\cf0 \cf1 series\cf0 \cf1 are\cf0 \cf1 complemented\cf0 \cf1 by\cf0 \cf1 The\cf0 \cf1 Early\cf0 \cf1 Modern\cf0 \cf1 Englishwoman\cf0 \cf1 1500-1750\cf0 : \cf1 Contemporary\cf0 \cf1 Editions\cf0 \cf1 which\cf0 \cf1 includes\cf0 \cf1 both\cf0 \cf1 old-spelling\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 modernized\cf0 \cf1 editions\cf0 \cf1 of\cf0 \cf1 works\cf0 \cf1 by\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 about\cf0 \cf1 women\cf0 \cf1 and\cf0 \cf1 gender\cf0 \cf1 in\cf0 \cf1 early\cf0 \cf1 modern\cf0 England.\par \fs17\par }

14 Series Titles

Per Page

Anne Cooke Bacon Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 1

Anne Cooke Bacon: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 1

1st Edition

By Valerie Wayne
July 19, 2000

Anne Cooke Bacon was highly educated and was known for her ability to read Latin, Greek, Italian and French. She married Sir Nicholas Bacon, Queen’s Keeper of the Great Seal and a member of Elizabeth’s Privy Council. The directions of the new Church of England were heavily influenced by her husband...

Anne, Margaret and Jane Seymour Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 6

Anne, Margaret and Jane Seymour: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 6

1st Edition

By Brenda Hosington
August 14, 2000

Despite the fame their work brought them, and despite the importance of their parents in mid-Tudor England, relatively little is known of the lives of Anne, Margaret and Jane Seymour - daughters of Anne Stanhope and the Duke of Somerset. In 1550, aged roughly eighteen, sixteen and nine, these three...

Brief Confessional Writings: Grey, Stubbes, Livingstone, Clarksone Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 2

Brief Confessional Writings: Grey, Stubbes, Livingstone, Clarksone: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 2

1st Edition

By Mary Ellen Lamb
October 23, 2001

The works by the four protestant women authors collected in this volume participate in the ars moriandi (art of dying) tradition which became increasingly powerful over the 16th and 17th centuries. The moment of death was thought to reveal the ’true’ state of the individual’s soul. This volume ...

Early Tudor Translators: Margaret Beaufort, Margaret More Roper and Mary Basset Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 4

Early Tudor Translators: Margaret Beaufort, Margaret More Roper and Mary Basset: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 4

1st Edition

By Lee Cullen Khanna
August 28, 2001

This volume presents the texts of three Englishwomen remarkable both for writing and publishing their work during the first half of the sixteenth century. They also proved themselves nimble survivors of political and religious turmoil, Beaufort suffering for her Lancastrian connections and Roper ...

Eleanor Davies Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 3

Eleanor Davies: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 3

1st Edition

By Teresa Feroli
July 19, 2000

Little is known of the upbringing of Lady Eleanor Davies, what is known is that her life was mired in both flamboyant personal conflict and in the notoriety of the Castlehaven scandal (resulting in the execution of her brother), and that her writings were embroiled in political affairs. Married in...

Elizabeth and Mary Tudor Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 5

Elizabeth and Mary Tudor: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 5

1st Edition

By Anne Lake Prescott
December 21, 2001

The two translators whose printed works are contained in this volume were the daughters of Henry VIII. Whilst they both suffered from their father's changes of wives and faiths, after his marriage in 1543 to Katherine Parr they both benefited from their new stepmother's kindness. In different ways,...

Jane Owen Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 9

Jane Owen: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 9

1st Edition

By Dorothy L. Latz
July 05, 2000

Few facts are known about Catholic recusant Jane Owen. The title page of this, her only work, tells us that in 1634 when this volume was published at St Omer, she was already deceased. However, she was necessarily still living after 1617 when the treatise of Bellarmine, which she here partially ...

Mother’s Advice Books Printed Writings 1500–1640:  Series I, Part Two, Volume 8

Mother’s Advice Books: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 8

1st Edition

Edited By Betty S. Travitsky
October 24, 2001

Early modern works of advice can be typified by a number of texts by Erasmus falling into a variety of categories: advice on family conduct; manners; study plans and piety. A close relation to these works of advice was the parental advice book, usually written by a father to his son. It was not ...

Neo-Latin Women Writers: Elizabeth Jane Weston and Bathsua Reginald (Makin) Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 7

Neo-Latin Women Writers: Elizabeth Jane Weston and Bathsua Reginald (Makin): Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 7

1st Edition

By Donald Cheney
July 19, 2000

This volume contains the work of the only two Renaissance Englishwomen known to have published collections (as opposed to compilations) of their Latin poetry. Elizabeth Jane Weston lived in Prague as a child, her stepfather being alchemist to Rudolph II. Her stepfather's disgrace, imprisonment and...

Protestant Translators: Anne Lock Prowse and Elizabeth Russell Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 12

Protestant Translators: Anne Lock Prowse and Elizabeth Russell: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 12

1st Edition

By Elaine V. Beilin
July 05, 2001

As writers strongly committed to the Reformation, Anne Lock Prowse and Elizabeth Russell translated works which they believed were doctrinally useful for their Protestant readers. Lock translated Calvin’s four sermons from French, dedicating the work to Katharine, Duchess of Suffolk. These were ...

Recusant translators: Elizabeth Cary and Alexia Grey Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 13

Recusant translators: Elizabeth Cary and Alexia Grey: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 13

1st Edition

By Frances E. Dolan
July 21, 2000

At a time when England was an officially Protestant country to translate Catholic works, thereby helping to propagate the faith, was a brave act and to actually identify oneself in print, as did Cary, as ’a Catholique, and a woman’ was a risky assertion of political opposition. One of Cary’s ...

The Poets, II: Mary Fage Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 11

The Poets, II: Mary Fage: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Two, Volume 11

1st Edition

By Betty S.Travitsky
July 19, 2000

The dates of Mary Fage are not known, it is assumed however that she was flourishing around 1637. Fames Roule comprises a series of over 400 acrostic verses, each containing an anagram and each addressed to one of the noble and powerful of Caroline England. As such it constitutes a verbal salute to...

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