1st Edition

Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Gymnophiona: Caecilians

Edited By Barrie G M Jamieson, Jean-Marie Exbrayat Copyright 2006

    One of the little known species in the danger of extinction, gymophionan amphibians, are also known as caecilians or apoda. Gymnophiona contains 154 species belonging to 34 genera and 6 families. For many years, studies on the Gymnophiona were disparate and still only a few species have been deeply studied. Fortunately, in recent years, some new works have been published on their systematics, using both the classical methods as well as immunology and molecular biology. New data have also been obtained on the biology, life history, reproductive biology, endocrinology and embryonic development of several species. These fascinating aspects along with other important ones on gymnophionan studies are ably reviewed in this book.

    A Brief History of Research on Gymnophionan Reproductive Biology and Development
    Caecilian Phylogeny and Classification; Anatomy with Particular Reference to the Reproductive System
    Caecilian Male Mullerian Gland, with Special Reference to Uraeotyphlus narayani
    Endocrinology of Reproduction in Gymnophiona
    Caecilian Spermatogenesis; Ultrastructure and Phylogeny of Caecilian Spermatozoa
    Oogenesis and Folliculogensis; Development of Gonads
    Modes of Parity and Oviposition; Viviparity in Typhlonectes compressicauda
    Fertilization and Embryonic Development


    Jamieson, Barrie G M; Exbrayat, Jean-Marie