1st Edition

Public Investment, the Rate of Return, and Optimal Fiscal Policy

By Kenneth J. Arrow, Mordecai Kruz Copyright 2011

    This book, co-authored by the Nobel-prized economist, Kenneth Arrow, considers public expenditures in the context of modern growth theory. It analyzes optimal growth with public capital. A theory of 'controllability' is developed and injected into public economics and growth models. Originally published in 1970

    Chapter 1 Basic Concepts for the Theory of Public Investment; Chapter 2 Methods of Optimization over Time; Chapter 3 Optimal Investment Planning in a One-Commodity Model; Chapter 4 Optimal Investment in a Two-Sector Model; Chapter 5 Objectives, Markets, and Public Instruments; Chapter 6 Optimal Policy and Controllability with Imperfect Capital Markets; Chapter 7 Consumer Behavior in a Perfect Market; Chapter 8 Controllability of Public Policy in Perfect Capital Markets;


    Arrow, Kenneth J.; Kruz, Mordecai