320 Pages
    by Routledge

    320 Pages
    by Routledge

    Motivation is a vital element in learning, and the most commonly cited explanation for success or failure in language learning. Jill Hadfield and Zoltán Dörnyei present a new theory of motivation centred around the notion of the "˜Ideal Future Language Self", arguing that if students have a rich and inspiring vision of themselves as successful future language learners and users, they will be motivated to work hard to actualise the vision and become that learner. This book:

    • integrates the latest research in language teaching with innovative classroom practice
    • offers suggestions on how the various components of the theory could be structured into a teaching sequence
    • includes a variety of imaginative classroom activities designed to aid both student and teacher in creating and actualising the Ideal Self through visualisation, goal setting, task identification and planning, and a selection of appropriate learning strategies
    • shows how teachers can undertake motivation-related research in their own classrooms

    This is an ideal guide to and activity book for the theory and practice of motivation in language learning for students and teachers alike.

    Part I Introduction: motivation and the vision of knowing a second language

    Motivation and the self

    A visionary motivational programme

    How this book is structured

    Part II From implications to application

    Content selection


    1 Imaging identity: my Future L2 Self

    Section 1: Creating the vision

    Activity 1: Future Alternatives

    Activity 2: Introduction to Visualisation

    Activity 3: My Ideal Self

    Activity 4: Portraits

    Activity 5: L2 Greetings

    Activity 6: My Future L2 Self

    Activity 7: Identity Tree

    Activity 8: The Self I Can Become

    Section 2: Substantiating the vision: what is possible

    Activity 9: Reality Check 1

    Activity 10: Reality Check 2

    Activity 11: Reality Consensus

    Activity 12: Dream On!

    Activity 13: Leaf Rating

    Activity 14: Vision Revision

    Section 3: Counterbalancing the vision

    Activity 15: What If  . . . ?

    Activity 16: What Gets in the Way of Learning?

    Activity 17: Identifying the Self Barrier

    Activity 18: Meeting the Self Barrier

    Activity 19: Filmshots

    Activity 20: Two Roads

    Activity 21: Overcoming Obstacles

    Section 4: Aligning selves

    Activity 22: Introducing the Ought-to Self

    Activity 23: The Mom Song

    Activity 24: The Ought-to Self Song

    Activity 25: Great Expectations

    Activity 26: Advice From the Ought-to Self

    Activity 27: Making Friends with the Ought-to Self

    Activity 28: Meeting the Mentor

    Activity 29: The Fourth Man

    Section 5: Enhancing the vision

    Activity 30: Future Photo Album

    Activity 31: Future Self-Portraits

    Activity 32: Song of My Future Self

    Activity 33: Fairytale

    2 Mapping the journey: from dream to reality

    Section 1: From vision to goals

    Activity 34: Wishlists

    Activity 35: Syllabus Check

    Activity 36: Aims Poster

    Activity 37: Personal Goal Statements

    Activity 38: From Reality Check to Goal Sheet: a Greek Example

    Activity 39: Base Camps

    Activity 40: Goal Breakdown

    Activity 41: Goal Wheels

    Section 2: From goals to plans

    Activity 42: Task List

    Activity 43: Taskmap

    Activity 44: Mosaic

    Activity 45: Slicing up the cake

    Activity 46: Study Plan

    Section 3: From plans to strategies

    Activity 47: Work Style

    Activity 48: Study Habits

    Activity 49: Time Management

    Activity 50: Try This!

    Activity 51: Great Expectations

    Activity 52. Distraction Reduction

    Activity 53: Allocating Time

    Activity 54. Light Fantastic

    Activity 55: Chill

    Activity 56. Positive Thinking

    Activity 57: Favourite Workplace

    Activity 58: With a Little Help from my Friends

    Activity 59: Strategies Rap

    Section 4: From strategies to achievement

    Activity 60: Study Buddies

    Activity 61: Study Contracts

    Activity 62: Rate Yourself

    Activity 63: Progress Ladders

    Activity 64: Contract Wall

    Activity 65: Progress Blog

    3 Keeping the vision alive

    Section 1: Developing identity

    Identity projects

    Activity 66: Board Game

    Activity 67: Letter from My Future Self

    Activity 68: Future Photo Albums

    Activity 69: Future Diaries

    Activity 70: L2 Self Bebo/Facebook Pages

    Activity 71: ‘Second Life’

    Targeted visualisations

    Activity 72: Goods and Services: In a Restaurant

    Activity 73: Social: At a Party

    Activity 74: Work: Job Interview

    Activity 75: Study and Exams: Giving a Presentation

    Role models

    Activity 76: Good Language Learners

    Activity 77: Interview a Role Model

    Activity 78: Webquest

    Activity 79: Role Model Roleplay


    Activity 80: Secret Friends

    Activity 81: Affirmation Sheets

    Activity 82: Claim a Compliment!

    Activity 83: New!! Exciting!!

    Section 2: Making it real

    Entering the L2 community

    Activity 84: Projects: What to Do in . . .

    Activity 85: Interviews: What do you think of . . .?

    Activity 86: Community Placements

    Activity 87: International E-pals

    Activity 88: Guest Speakers

    Activity 89: Chat Corner

    Simulations: let’s pretend

    Activity 90: A Bed for the Night

    Activity 91: Doing the Shopping

    Activity 92: Where Can I Get a Cup of Coffee?

    Activity 93: What’s On?

    Activity 94: Airport

    Activity 95: Taking It Back

    Cultural events

    Activity 96: Film Screenings

    Activity 97: Foodies

    Activity 98: Festivals

    Activity 99: Culture Board

    Part III From application to implementation

    Towards a motivational programme

    Induction module

    Mapping the journey

    Keeping the vision alive

    Enjoyment of the learning experience

    Part IV From implementation to research

    Why do action research?

    Why not?

    What is action research?

    Who should do it?



    Interview topics and questions

    Processing the interview data




    Jill Hadfield, Zoltán Dörnyei