1st Edition

Modern Iran (RLE Iran A)

By L Elwell-Sutton Copyright 1941

    This volume shows the progress and achievements of Iran up to the 1940s within the setting  of her ancient history and her strategic position in the world today. The author discusses Iran’s vital position as the dividing line between the East and the West and how Iran drew from and contributed to both these cultures, without losing her own individuality. It is this cultural influence, the author argues, rather than any political strength that has enabled her to survive. Much of the information is taken from sources not available in English or any other language other than Persian.

    Contents: Introduction. Note.  1.  The Country and the People  2. The Classical Age  3. The Rise and Decline of Islam  4. Iran Under the Shadow of the West  5. The Regime of Rreza Sha Pahlavi  6. Economic Foundations  7. Social and Cultural Progress  8. Foreign Relations  9. Iran’s Place in the World  Appendices: I: Constitutional Law of December 30, 1906.  II: Supplementary Constitutional Law of October 8, 1907.  III: Factory Act of August 10, 1936. IV Saadabad Pact of July 8, 1937.  Bibliography. Index.


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